Saturday, June 30, 2012

Romney ad shows off his tech-savvy economic plan with computers introduced during Bush's first term

So I was looking through Mitt Romney's recent ad about what he'd do on his first day in office when I came across this scene:

A still shot from a Mitt Romney ad featuring a room full of cutting edge office workers using iMacs ... from 2006 Looks pretty cutting edge, right? A room full of flat panel all-in-one computers, probably used for training or something like that. Even better, they're all iMacs, and Apple is exactly the kind of company Mitt Romney wants to associate himself with: young, hip and definitely not fuddy duddy.

There's only one problem. The iMac that Romneyland featured is this one:

iMac first made in 2004 And that iMac was first introduced nearly a decade ago, in 2004'during George W. Bush's first term. It was last updated in 2006. That's probably not exactly the image Mitt Romney is going for ... but it is a perfect symbol for his backward-looking campaign.

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