Friday, June 29, 2012

Adults only, please: Five things the Romney campaign believes are presidential

So after the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare, the Obama campaign put a "Health Reform: Still a BFD!" t-shirt up for sale, prompting this response from top Mitt Romney aide Eric Fehrnstrom:

Still not presidential. Kids, earmuffs RT @BarackObama Still a BFD:
' @EricFehrn via web Fehrnstrom wasn't alone: A whole slew of conservatives voiced outrage at the reference to Joe Biden's "big f***ing deal" remark.

I guess I could mock Fehrnstrom for his feigned rectitude, but his comment pretty much mocks itself. It did, however, make me wonder what sorts of things that Eric Fehrnstrom must think are presidential. Here's the top five:

Romney aide blows bubbles during Obama campaign press conference
  1. Circling your opponent's rally in a campaign bus while honking its horn.
  2. Disrupting one of your opponent's press conferences by blowing bubbles and shouting speakers down.
  3. Believing that you should treat a presidential campaign like a metaphorical Etch A Sketch in which you can erase anything you say if it becomes politically inconvenient.
  4. Staking your entire presidential campaign on repealing the very same health care reform policy that you signed into law when governor.
  5. Believing that you can justify any lie, dodge or flip-flop because you're "running for office, for Pete's sake."

With a list like that, is there any doubt about who's the real adult?

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