We each have our own memories of Netroots Nation 2012. I actually didn't get to many of the panels, and my conference was mostly spent in the hallways and exhibit hall, catching up with old friends and making new ones. Yes, of course, it was awesome seeing folks like Elizabeth Warren, Van Jones, Paul Krugman and Ben Jealous on the big stage, but it's in talking to folks face-to-face that we build and expand our movement and build the connections needed for the battles ahead.
And even more so than years past, I felt like this conference was about us, and not as much about the candidates who came and visited. Of course, we're thrilled when they do come and invest the time to meet with us, but this conference doesn't exist because of them, and that we were able to draw our largest audience ever without a huge new name demonstrates how much we are there because of each other. We need to build a movement that does help the candidates we favor, but remains independent from them so we can hold them accountable once in office.
[Speaking of electeds, however, I cannot say enough about much Mayor Angel Taveras and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse came through with their personal commitment to the success of this conference. They have set the standard for all future host cities to meet, and that's even before WaterFire. They promised to do whatever they could to ensure y'all had a good time, and they delivered.]
For everything you missed, we have a wealth of video online.
Right now, there's something I'd like you to do, and it's absolutely essential for the enduring success of this conference. You need to tell us what worked, and what didn't work. We have received a great deal of positive feedback so far, but we need to keep listening.
As chairman of the board of directors for the Netroots Nation (c)(4) organization [Darcy Burner heads the Netroots Foundation (c)(3)], I need to know what you think. You are our stakeholders, our constituents, and your satisfaction is essential to our continued success. There is no aspect of this conference which cannot be rethought, and no detail not worth mentioning. And, obviously, we don't want to forget anything that worked out better than our wildest expectations, and want to capture as much of that now while it's still fresh in your minds. Tell us what you loved, and what we need to do more'because we didn't see everything, even all the good stuff. Tell us what panels needed more room. Really, all your stories about your Netroots Nation experience are valuable.
[What has your feedback led to in the past? More water, everywhere. A real effort to include the transgendered community. Improved focus on accessibility issues. A more endurable schedule, both in length and breadth. Annual karaoke. An exhibit hall which could serve as the primary social hub.]
We've got a few ways you can register this feedback. First off, post it here.
Secondly, anything you tweet to #nn12, we're still watching.
And thirdly, if you'd like to keep it private, email me at adam [at] netrootsnation [dot] org or to Executive Director Raven Brooks at raven [at] netrootsnation [dot] org, or send it to me here via KosMail. We will make sure every email gets to the appropriate person(s) on our staff, and that each receives a response.
Thanks again. You each make our conference, and our movement, what it is. See you in San Jose.
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