Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Scott Brown's daughter insured under Obamacare, which he wants to repeal

Scott Brown and daughter Scott Brown and his Obamacare-insured daughter, Ayla. (Brian Snyder/Reuters) Like a a couple of million other American families Sen. Scott Brown's family has been helped by the Affordable Care Act by being able to keep his 23 year old daughter on his Senate health insurance plan. But he's probably among very few of those millions who want to take it away and might be in a position to do so.
Brown said the extended use of his congressional coverage is not inconsistent with his criticism of the federal law, enacted over his objection after he won a special election in 2010, because the same coverage could be required by individual states.

On the campaign trail this year, Brown has said he still wants to repeal the law, which he argues is inferior to the health care law enacted by Massachusetts in 2006.

'I've said right from the beginning, that if there are things that we like, we should take advantage of them and bring them back here to Massachusetts,'' the senator said.

Massachusetts just happens to be one of the states that has extended that option, though it's not as comprehensive as the ACA, and Brown voted for those reforms when he was in the state senate. But it's very convenient for Brown now. His daughter could still be covered if he gets his political way and helps repeal Obamacare, but other people's adult children are shit out of luck.

How very Republican of him.

Let's get him out of the Senate. Chip in $5 to Elizabeth Warren's campaign.

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