Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Newt Gingrich prebutts his upcoming endorsement of Mitt Romney

Newt Gingrich will officially suspend his campaign this afternoon, simultaneously announcing his intention to officially endorse Mitt Romney in the coming weeks. But while Gingrich's announcement won't come until 3 PM ET, the Obama campaign has already released a video prebuttal ... featuring the words of none other than Newt Gingrich himself:

So how could a guy who offered such a devastating critique of Mitt Romney so easily decide to endorse his candidacy? Well, there's about $4.3 million reasons why.
The Romney campaign and the Republican National Committee have offered to be helpful as Gingrich works to retire his campaign debt.
With millions of dollars of debt and a bankrupt lobbying practice, Newt Gingrich's endorsement of Mitt Romney was an easy choice. Frankly.

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