Saturday, May 26, 2012

Honoring fallen heroes on Memorial Day

With plans to "pay tribute to patriots of every generation who gave the last full measure of devotion, from Lexington and Concord to Iraq and Afghanistan," on this Memorial Day, President Obama calls on all Americans to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country:

This weekend, folks across the country are opening up the pool, firing up the grill, and taking a well-earned moment to relax. But Memorial Day is more than a three-day weekend. In town squares and national cemeteries, in public services and moments of quiet reflection, we will honor those who loved their country enough to sacrifice their own lives for it.

But remembering their sacrifice isn't enough:

We have to serve them and their families as well as they have served us: By making sure that they get the healthcare and benefits they need; by caring for our wounded warriors and supporting our military families; and by giving veterans the chance to go to college, find a good job, and enjoy the freedom that they risked everything to protect.
... and that we must "commit ourselves to upholding the ideals for which so many patriots have fought and died."

Complete transcript below the fold.

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