Friday, May 4, 2012

Fox News: Stealth Republican Super PAC

Fox News "on the job" John Bolton, Jay Sekulow and Walid Phares have one thing in common. They regularly appear on Fox News as analysts. Bolton and Sekulow, in fact, are Fox News "contributors." They have something else in common, too. They are all part of Mitt Romney's campaign team, advising on foreign policy, national security and legal matters. The third thing they have in common is that Fox News never tells you of their connection with Romney even when these analysts are telling viewers how great the presumptive Republican nominee's ideas are and how crappy those of the Obama administration are.

Ben Dimiero and Eric Hananoki over at Media Matters say this failure to disclose violates journalistic ethics. Yeah, well, sure, but that's Chapter 275 in the 10-volume series on Fox's violation of journalistic ethics.

After all, during the last election season, dozens of Fox's top "news" personalities engaged in fund-raising or campaigning for Republican candidates or organizations in more than 600 instances. Some of them even assisted in initiating pro-Republican fund-raising organizations. If I had done that when I worked for the Los Angeles Times, I would have been sent packing the instant my editor discovered it. Because that is what news organizations with real ethics codes do.

(Continue reading below the fold)

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