Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Daily Kos/SEIU State of the Nation Poll: Majority trusts Obama over Romney on student loans

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In the ongoing fight over student loan interest rates, it looks like Republicans have once again found an issue they can hurt themselves with. Take a look at our newest poll numbers:

Public Policy Polling for Daily Kos & SEIU. 4/26-29. Registered voters. MoE: ±3.1% (no trendlines):

Q: Who do you trust more to keep interest rates on student loans low: Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?

Barack Obama: 52
Mitt Romney: 31
Both equally: 10
Not sure: 7

If this topic stays front and center, it looks like the president, and not his challenger, will benefit. Not only does Obama perform far better among Democrats than Romney does among Republicans (85-9 vs. 63-16), but independents also think Obama is more likely to keep student loan rates down, by a 45-26 margin.

And this is one issue Americans agree on quite broadly:

Q: Do you think Congress should extend the current low interest rate on student loans, or not?

Yes: 75
No: 16
Not sure: 9

P.S. As always, our approval and favorability numbers can be found on our weekly trends page.

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