Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Anonymous fliers target Wisconsin teachers who signed Scott Walker recall petitions

we love our teachers Not the motto of anonymous in Janesville.
(Mark E. Andersen) Janesville, Wisconsin, teachers who signed'or simply may have signed'petitions to recall Gov. Scott Walker are being targeted by an anonymous group. The group, fronted for by Citizens for Responsible Government, a conservative Milwaukee organization, filed freedom of information requests and obtained the names, job titles, and salaries of every teacher in Janesville, then produced a flier listing the names and salaries of the 321 highest-paid teachers. The flier urges recipients to look for the teachers' names on a list of recall petition signers and:
At the bottom of the flier is a "Parents' Rights Protection Form" urging parents to send it to Superintendent Karen Schulte and request that "my child be assigned to a classroom taught by a non-radical teacher during the 2012-2013 school year." [...]

Schulte said if she receives any of the requests, "they're going in the trash."

If everyone who signed a petition to recall Walker is a radical, Wisconsin has a lot more radicals than most of us would have guessed. As for the anonymous people putting out the flier:
"They want to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation," [Citizens for Responsible Government spokesman Orville] Seymer said. "However, this is all public information."
If anyone knows a thing or two about retaliation, I guess it would be the anonymous cowards printing the salaries of public school teachers on fliers exhorting people to research those teachers' political actions and demand to have children pulled from classrooms accordingly. A similar flier distributed in March described public schools as having "dumbed-down curriculum," "Marxist/globalist agenda," "sexualization of children" and "union bullying and vindictive targeting of students," and urged parents to move their kids to private schools.

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