Sunday, May 27, 2012

Alberto Gonzales won't call Obamacare unconstitutional

Former attorney general and George W. Bush lackey Alberto Gonzales is a total hack of a lawyer, but even he won't call the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional.

QUESTION: Some on the right are now saying they are concerned that Chief Justice Roberts is not going to go along with the way they want to see this case come out. They believe he might go with the liberals in a possible decision to uphold the law. As you say, having been the man to recommend him to the high Court to President Bush, what is your anecdotal thought on it?

GONZALES: This is a very hard decision. I almost laugh when I hear pundits say it's going to go this way, it's going to go that way, it's a fairly easy decision. I think this is a very difficult decision.

Even Fredo knows enough about the law to know that Obamacare is not unconstitutional, which could make it a bit embarrassing for the at least three, possibly four or five, justices that are likely to rule that it is. Of course, as Ian Millhiser points out in this story, plenty of conservative judges actually have said that this is an easy case'easy in that the ACA is clearly constitutional:
Judge Laurence Silberman, who received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Gonzales' former boss, upheld the law because the case against it 'cannot find real support . . . in either the text of the Constitution or Supreme Court precedent.' Judge Jeffrey Sutton, a former law clerk to conservative Justice Antonin Scalia who spent much of his pre-judicial career looking for ways to undermine federal power, nonetheless wrote his own opinion rejecting a challenge to the Affordable Care Act. And Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson, one of the finalists for the Supreme Court seat President Bush eventually gave to Chief Justice Roberts, called the case against health reform 'a prescription for economic chaos that the framers, in a simpler time, had the good sense to head off.'
The Supreme Court could actually end up taking a much more political stance on this supposed legal issue than Alberto Fucking Gonzales, the guy who tried to make torture and warrantless wiretapping legal and who launched the infamous prosecutor purge to oust U.S. attorneys who weren't doing enough to manufacture charges of voter fraud. Gonzales has to rank at the very top of the most politically motivated and most profoundly unqualified attorneys general this country has ever seen, and even he won't call Obamacare unconstitutional. On Fox News!

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