Friday, October 26, 2012

Firefighters hit Tommy Thompson on his 9/11 attack ad

Tommy Thompson might just be regretting his 9/11 attack ad on Tammy Baldwin about now. He's really going to be sorry when this ad from the IAFF Fire Fighters starts airing this weekend.

Narrator: Tommy Thompson is using 9/11 for his political gain. As firefighters, we have to ask: "Have you no sense of decency, sir?"

Goal Thermometer
As George Bush's top health official, he failed to protect responders at Ground Zero. Then he made a fortune with an $11 million government contract to study their health, denying coverage and leaving victims to fight with big insurance. That's why Wisconsin profession firefighters don't trust Tommy Thompson.

Thompson completely opened himself up to this attack by hitting Baldwin over a single, symbolic vote. He opened himself up to another by pointing out the fact that he profited off of 9/11 and failed to provide the health care services to 9/11 responders he was contracted and paid to give.

Thompson's original attack was the move of an extremely desperate candidate, one that is going to be biting him in the ass for the remainder of the campaign.

Click here to donate $3 to Tammy Baldwin on Act Blue.

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