Friday, October 26, 2012

Daily Kos Elections Morning Digest: Judy Biggert likens gay marriage to 'polygamy and bigamy'

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' IL-11: Hey, gay groups supporting GOP Rep. Judy Biggert: Maybe you'd like to get a clue, because this is who you're backing. From Wednesday night's debate with Democrat Bill Foster:

Biggert, who has long campaigned as a social moderate and fiscal conservative, said she has supported civil unions, but as a lawyer, she was concerned about the impact of same-sex marriage on such things as estate law and said it was "a matter for the state."
Her remarks at a post-debate press conference were even more appalling (about 2 minutes into the video):
"Well, I think that, I think that the country is close to this. And, and I think'but there, you know'I think'let's wait and see what the courts have to say. But it is a state issue'you know, we don't have polygamy and bigamy and all of these things in, in the federal government. It's the states that take care of that."
So just to be absolutely clear: Biggert says she is "close to reaching for gay marriages" but is afraid of how such marriages would affect estate law'even though, of course, it's the lack of same-sex marriage laws which prove so vexing in estate matters. She also wants to see "what the courts have to say" rather than take a stand herself. And oh yeah, she compared gay marriage to polygamy and bigamy. Some "moderate" she is. At least Foster's response was hilarious:
Foster, a former congressman who opposed same-sex marriage two years ago in one newspaper questionnaire, said he supported "marriage equality" and was "not ambiguous" on the issue.

"She has not yet evolved. So, she's crawling out of the swamp or something," said Foster, a scientist, after the debate. Asked if he, too, had evolved on the issue, Foster replied, "I'm all dry, fluffed off and happy to be a hominid."

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