Monday, October 29, 2012

Obama ad says Romney is deceiving Ohio voters about auto bailout: 'Wrong then, dishonest now'

Here's a tough response ad from the Obama campaign to Mitt Romney's dishonest Jeep-to-China ad on the Ohio auto industry:

Voiceover: When the auto industry faced collapse, Mitt Romney turned his back. Even the conservative Detroit News criticized Romney for his 'wrong-headedness' on the bailout. And now, after Romney's false claim of Jeep outsourcing to China, Chrysler ITSELF has refuted Romney's lie. The truth? Jeep is ADDING jobs in Ohio.

Voiceover: Mitt Romney on Ohio jobs? Wrong Then.

Mitt Romney: Let Detroit go bankrupt.

Voiceover: Dishonest Now.

To my knowledge, this is the first time the campaign has used the word "lie" in one its ads, but the toughest part of the message here comes in the ad's closing sequence: Mitt Romney is worse than dishonest. He's also wrong.

According to the Obama campaign, the ad will air in Ohio.


Please chip in $5 to help President Obama finish this campaign strong.

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