Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bachmann: Hurricane apparently NOT a message from God this time

Michele Bachmann A hurricane isn't always God's wrath, it seems. Last October, just two months after a rare, high-magnitude earthquake and Hurricane Irene hammered the East Coast, Rep. Michele Bachmann was in Sarasota, Florida:
"I don't know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians," she said. "We've had an earthquake; we've had a hurricane. He said, 'Are you going to start listening to me here?' Listen to the American people, because the American people are roaring right now. They know government is on a morbid obesity diet and we've got to rein in the spending."
So, God thumped the East Coast with some natural disasters to tell the politicians they better get the federal deficit under control. This, of course, was before the roaring American people shredded Bachmann's campaign for the presidency.

On Sunday, with Isaac bearing down on the Gulf Coast, she was again in Florida talking about hurricanes:

"At this moment in time we're quite literally looking at a hurricane here in Florida. [...] We're looking at a political hurricane in this country. We are looking at a spiritual hurricane in our land. And it is time for each one of us to show up and suit up and stand up and realize that in this time and in this day we pour it out for Him."
With the GOP's Tampa convention schedule shredded, Bachmann fails to let us in on  what God's message to politicians is this time around. Maybe he thinks Paul Ryan is a bad pick? Maybe he thinks Mitt Romney is? Perhaps there's something in that pile of offal the Republicans call a party platform that's less than divinely inspired? Or maybe he's just sick and tired of all the negative, lying Republican advertising that stinks to high heaven? The congresswoman ain't telling.

Even though Bachmann seems to have a direct line to the Almighty, the best she can come up with is that alliterative word salad about suiting up. Should some extreme weather or natural disaster strike Charlotte next week, something tells me God's message in that case will be a whole lot clearer to her.

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