Sunday, July 15, 2012

What if someone stole your engagement photos for a political attack ad?

The original photo The original photo (©Kristina Hill) That's what happened to Brian Edwards and Tom Privitere of New Jersey.

They weren't aware of it, but anti-gay activist Eugene Delgaudio of the self-anointed "Public Advocate of the United States" hate group swiped their photo off their blog The Gay Wedding Experience, which they'd posted for the enjoyment of their friends and family.

Delgaudio then used the stolen image in an anti-gay direct mailing sent out to countless Colorado residents, following an unsuccessful effort to pass LGBT civil unions there. The original is above, the altered version is below. The New York City landscape has been swapped out for a Colorado environment. It is intended to attack Republican Sen. Jean White's support for civil unions. Other lawmaker's districts were also targeted.

Delgaudio's altered photo. Delgaudio's altered photo. Delgaudio's theft attracted a good deal of press attention last month, notably from The Advocate and The Denver Post.

Now it seems he's also attracted the attention of the Southern Poverty Law Center who has sent a cease and desist letter to Delgaudio (pdf). From their press release, Christine P. Sun, deputy legal director for the SPLC says:

'Delgaudio's use of Brian and Tom's personal photo is morally reprehensible. For years, Delgaudio and Public Advocate have led a crusade against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. This latest attack is the most vicious yet and should serve as a warning that your personal photos are not safe from anyone willing to stoop to the vilest level of harassment.'
More after the fold.

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