Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Speaker Pelosi Project: John Boehner fiddles while farm states burn

The House GOP's busy schedule today: 10 naming bills (6 post offices, 3 courthouses, one wildlife center).
' @fshakir via TweetDeck Meanwhile, there's a drought covering more than two-thirds of the lower 48 states, and farmers across the country have lost this year's crops. Here's what Republican Speaker John Boehner is doing:
In the midst of a severe drought, the House Republican leaders are proposing to walk away from farm states and decades of precedent by not calling up the new five-year plan before the current law expires Sept. 30. [...]

Never before in modern times has a farm bill reported from the House Agriculture Committee been so blocked. POLITICO looked back at 50 years of farm bills and found nothing like this. There have been long debates, often torturous negotiations with the Senate and a famous meltdown in 1995 when the House Agriculture Committee couldn't produce a bill. But no House farm bill, once out of committee, has been kept off the floor while its deadline passes.

Speaker Pelosi project bug It's not just dysfunction this time around. It's on purpose. It's out-and-out sabotage. Boeher doesn't want to "disrupt [...] political messaging" and bring the bill to the floor before the November election. He also doesn't want to have the fight within his caucus that's inevitable, with the nihilists demanding even deeper cuts than the Agriculture Committee approved and farm-state representatives begging for more help for farmers.
Given Democratic concerns over the depth of the food stamp cuts already made, Boehner says there are not 218 votes for passage. Rather than wrestle with this problem, it's easier to run out the clock with symbolic anti-red tape, anti-tax votes on which the GOP is more united.
Just when you think the worst Congress ever couldn't be worse, there you go.

There's an answer. The Speaker Pelosi Project is it. We have to get the House back to have a Congress, a government, that functions at all. We do that by taking back the House, one seat at a time.

Please chip in $3 or whatever you can to get the speaker's gavel back in Nancy Pelosi's hand.

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