Friday, October 26, 2012

Mitt Romney stays silent on Sensata as he lies about Jeep jobs going to China

Mitt Romney - 08/20/2012 This is ... some nerve. Mitt Romney is lying about one set of American jobs going to China in order to scare people into thinking that electing him is the way to keep those jobs here. All the while, he's profiting from another set of jobs actually being sent to China, and claiming he has nothing to do with it.

Let's untangle the levels of nerve here. Romney is claiming that the way to keep Chrysler from moving Jeep production to China is to elect Mitt Romney. In fact, not only is Chrysler not moving Jeep production to China, it's expanding Jeep production in Michigan and Ohio. But don't worry, if you vote for Romney, he'll fight for every one of those jobs to be kept right here in America.

Meanwhile, Sensata Technologies is closing an American plant and sending 170 jobs to China. That's happening right now. People are losing their jobs. Sensata is controlled by Bain Capital, the company Romney founded and ran. Romney has large personal investments in Sensata and has already reaped significant tax breaks by giving Sensata stock to his own charitable foundation, the one he uses to support things like "pray away the gay" groups. When it comes to this thing that's actually happening, that he's profiting from, Romney has a million excuses for how he's not responsible, has nothing to do with it, can't even speak out against it, and oh, by the way, did you know that President Barack Obama has as much as $11 of a pension he doesn't control that's related to Sensata?

This is Mitt Romney in a nutshell: lying, promising to fight job losses (that aren't happening) if he can pin them on Obama, refusing to talk about job losses (that are happening) if he's profiting from them.

This is why it's so important to get the word out about who Romney really is. Sign up to get out the vote among swing state Democratic voters with our partners at Workers' Voice.

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