But this is a bit much:
' @realDonaldTrump via web Yes, yes, you're quite the patriot. There's just one (really, really well-known) thing, however. As TPM puts it:
In an awkward twist, however, Trump manufactures his own personal brand of clothing in China, a fact he acknowledged last year while exploring a potential bid for president. His explanation: It's cheaper that way.That was from just last year, mind you, not from the chaotic 1999-2002 period of time when who was in charge of which of their own businesses was all such a blur that nobody could honestly keep any of that stuff straight.
To be fair, if you're the kind of gigantic asshole that gets a thrill from wearing clothing with Donald Trump's name plastered on it, I'm not thinking you give a damn where it came from. But you'll note that Donald Trump is distinctly not suggesting you burn or boycott his own line of clothing in your moment of patriotic fervor. That jet ain't gonna gold-plate itself, after all.
Stuff like this is, no doubt, why Sarasota Republicans decided to name Donald freaking Trump their "Statesman of the Year." His statements are always the perfect combination of chest-thumping bluster and transparent insincerity.
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