Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sorry, ladies, but Romney only has two weeks left. No time for principles.

Uh oh. Things must be getting awful awkward at Romney campaign headquarters:

"Gov. Romney disagrees with Richard Mourdock, and Mr. Mourdock's comments do not reflect Gov. Romney's views," Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul told The Hill in a statement Wednesday morning. "We disagree on the policy regarding exceptions for rape and incest but still support him."
That's funny, because it seems like the last time Romney disagreed with a Republican Senate candidate who said something that did not reflect Romney's views, the Romney campaign called on that Republican to "exit the Senate race."

So why isn't Romney calling on Mourdock to drop out now? Just because the Romney campaign has endorsed Mourdock, with a special pitch from Paul Ryan, doesn't mean Romney can't flip-flop on his support now, does it? He's an expert flip-flopper, after all. In fact, he once agreed with Mourdock and said he'd be "delighted" to sign a bill that does exactly what Mourdock wants'a ban on all abortions without exception'and just look how he flip-flopped on that to try to look "reasonable" and "moderate."

Goal Thermometer

Hmm. Maybe it's because the election is less than two weeks away, it's too late for the party to pull Mourdock from the race and find a replacement, and the Republicans, including Romney, are stuck with the guy. And besides, it's not as if what he said was that offensive, right? After all, he only said what they all believe.

Sorry, ladies. Romney would love to take a principled stand like last time, but he's running for president, for Pete's sake. And with only two weeks left, there's just no time for principles.

Come on, folks, you know what to do. Please give $3 to each of our Daily Kos-endorsed women candidates for the House and Senate, so we can send more, better women to Congress to fight fight back.

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