' TN-05: I've long believed that wankerish NoLabels-loving conservaDem Jim Cooper has deserved a primary challenge. It's not just his votes but his mouth: He's spent his whole career publicly undermining the Democratic Party, despite sitting in a safe district. (Tennessee's 5th Congressional District went for Obama by a 56-43 margin.) On Tuesday, though, it was his vote that mattered most: He was the only Democrat who said "nay" to $51 billion in vital federal relief funds for the areas ravaged by Hurricane Sandy.
Needless to say, this is an absolute outrage. How could Cooper do such a thing? How could he stand to be such a hypocrite? Less than three years ago, his home state of Tennessee was ravaged by flooding so severe that they were dubbed "1,000-year floods" and even earned their own Wikipedia article. Cooper's own city of Nashville was damaged badly'very badly:
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