Monday, July 9, 2012

Joe Walsh can't stop talking about Tammy Duckworth's service

(Think Progress) Dear Rep. Joe Walsh (R-NoLongerADeadbeatDad): Please stop talking. Even after getting slammed for saying that Iraq War vet and Purple Heart recipient Tammy Duckworth wasn't a "true hero," in his words, because he thought she talked about her military service too much, he's still at it:
I do believe as someone who respects what Tammy Duckworth did with her service, as someone who is thankful, and someone who is sorry for her injuries, I do believe she talks about her service too much. And as a voter in this district, I would want to know where she stands on issues.
That's lovely couching of the sentiment there, but no. Please, just shut your pie-hole about her service entirely, you ignoble gob. Nobody wants to hear what Congress' most famous deadbeat dad and all-around sleazeball thinks about how someone who lost both legs to a rocket-propelled grenade attack on their helicopter needs to just not mention that anymore. You're not the king of who can mention what, no matter how many times you claim otherwise.

After following Walsh's antics for far too long, I think I have an idea of what's going on here. Joe Walsh is just a gigantic, massive jerk. He can't help it'it just comes out, whether he wants it to or not. If he wanted to talk about issues, he could talk about issues; instead, he can't help blathering on about how her military service doesn't matter, repeatedly.

So on one hand, I think even Joe Walsh knows that he should just stop talking about this entirely. On the other hand, his mouth won't let him.

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