Tuesday, July 10, 2012

In potential political car wreck, Mitt Romney to court black voters

Mitt Romney I know Herman Cain, does that count?
  In a bid to at least pretend to court the votes of black Americans, Mitt Romney will be addressing the NAACP:
On Wednesday, Mr. Romney will make a pitch to the nation's premier civil rights group, testing President Obama's overwhelming support among black voters by trying to pry away defectors with his pro-jobs message at a time of 14.4 percent unemployment among African-Americans.
And by "pro-jobs" message, I think we're talking about his "cut taxes for rich people" message, because I haven't actually heard Mitt Romney giving a "pro-jobs" message. He says the jobs word often enough, but I'm not convinced he actually knows what it means. He does realize that we can't all be Wall Street bankers, right?
Mr. Jealous said people had heard Mr. Romney's message on jobs and the economy and 'it is not resonating with our base,' in part because talk of deregulation brings to mind Wall Street bailouts and how General Motors might have gone bankrupt if Mr. Romney had been in the White House.

'If he's going to pick up more support in the black community,' Mr. Jealous said, 'he has to send a message that he's prepared to lead on issues that we care about.'

"Duh," Mr. Jealous was too polite to add.
Topping the list is a wave of voter identification laws that Democrats say will suppress minority participation in November. 'We are living through the greatest wave of legislative assaults on voting rights in more than a century,' Mr. Jealous said Monday in his opening speech at the convention. 'In the past year, more states have passed more laws pushing more voters out of the ballot box than at any time since the rise of Jim Crow.'
So let's see. One of the ways Mitt Romney can prove his credibility with black American voters is to, say, oppose the new Republican laws aimed at preventing them from voting. Raise your hand, everyone, if you think that will happen. Raise your hand if you think Mitt Romney will be beating Barack Obama on the issue. Oh, no doubt Mitt Romney will be all over those voter ID laws. He's all about civil rights. That's all he talks about. Well, that and the tax cuts, which according to Mitt are the same thing.

I really thought Mitt had the votes of black Americans sown up, given that he's got the endorsement of Donald Trump, who apparently has a great relationship with, you know, "the blacks." Apparently not. So we'll have to watch the speech, to see what'God help us all'Mitt Romney thinks bonding with black Americans might look like. For a man that can't even eat a donut without insulting someone, it could be the backdrop for some serious entertainment.

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