Thursday, July 12, 2012

Did Mitt accidentally tell the truth?

As BuzzFeed's Andrew Kaczynski reminds us, earlier in the campaign Mitt Romney said, "I worked at one company, Bain, for 25 years, and I left that to go off and save the Olympic games." And as you can see from the video at the top of this post, Romney's campaign staff loved the line so much they included it in a television ad.

But as Kaczynski points out, Romney started working at Bain in 1977. Twenty-five years later would be ... 2002. And even though 2002 is actually the year Mitt Romney gave up ownership of Bain Capital and relinquished his title and role of CEO and chairman, the Currently Approved Mitt Romney Narrative is that he left the firm on February 11, 1999 and never had anything to do with the company again.

Of course, it's pretty hard for that to be true given that Mitt still owned the place ... and that they were telling the SEC as late as 2002 that he still ran it. So did Mitt Romney accidentally tell the truth when he said he'd worked at Bain for 25 years? It sure seems like it. But you do the math.

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