That must be fun, being a woman working for a House Republican to block equal pay legislation, knowing that you are living your principles every day when you go to work. Sure, your boss is liable to be closeted or an adulterer or a deadbeat dad, but on this issue, you can have some purity. It may come as a little bit of a disappointment that a key reason women earn less in Republican offices is that they tend to have lower-ranking jobs than men, not that they're paid less than men doing the same jobs. But hey, you can't have it all and keeping women low in the hierarchy is a good Republican value. No reason to promote people who are just going to leave when they get married and start having babies, amiright?
The Democrat-Republican divide in the Senate isn't as broad, with Republican women earning $9,805 less than Republican men and Democratic women earning $4,916 less than Democratic men.
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