Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Communist Republicans demand Mitt Romney release his taxes

I'm not sure why they can't get on board with America, being American, and living the American dream, but apparently it's not just the dirty hippies and liberal media who think Mitt Romney should, you know, not be an asshole about his taxes.

National Review

Screen capture of National Review homepage demanding that Romney George Will
'If something's going to come out, get it out in a hurry,' Will said this morning on the 'This Week' roundtable. 'I do not know why, given that Mitt Romney knew the day that [John] McCain lost in 2008 that he was going to run for president again that he didn't get all of this out and tidy up some of his offshore accounts and all the rest.' [...]

Will said Romney is 'losing [the argument] at this point in a big way' in the debate over his tax returns

Matthew Dowd
'There's obviously something there, because if there was nothing there, he would say, 'Have at it,'' Dowd said. 'So there's obviously something there that compromises what he said in the past about something.'

'Many of these politicians think, 'I can do this. I can get away with this. I don't need to do this, because I'm going to say something and I don't have to do this,'' Dowd added. 'If he had 20 years of 'great, clean, everything's fine,' it'd all be out there, but it's arrogance.'

Bill Kristol
Here's what he should do. He should release the tax returns tomorrow. This is crazy' you've got to release 6, 8, 10 years of back tax returns. Take the hit for a day or two.
Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley
"If you have things to hide, then maybe you're doing things wrong," Bentley told the AP. "I think you ought to be willing to release everything to the American people."
Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour
Were he in presidential candidate Mitt Romney's shoes, former Republican National Committee Chairman Haley Barbour said he would release more than two years' tax documents, something Democrats have repeatedly called on Romney to do.

"I would," Barbour said on CNN's "The Situation Room." "But should it be an issue in the campaign? I don't think it amounts to diddly."

Texas Gov. Rick Perry
Texas Gov. Rick Perry is calling on fellow Republican and former rival Mitt Romney to release his tax returns.

Perry said anyone running for office should make public as much personal information as possible to help voters decide.

Perry has released his tax returns dating to 1992.

What is it with Southern governors demanding Romney release his tax returns?

Rep. Ron Paul

'Politically, I think that would help him,' the Republican congressman and former presidential candidate said in an interview with POLITICO. 'In the scheme of things politically, you know, it looks like releasing tax returns is what the people want.'
Romney is going to have to release these returns. His reticence is so idiotic, not even his own partisans can pretend to be aboard.
.@JoshTPM: "by tomorrow morning Mitt needing to release more tax returns may be part of the 2012 GOP platform." http://t.co/...
' @evanmc_s via TweetDeck

3:11 PM PT: George Romney:

Newspaper clipping for George Romney agreeing to reveal 12 years worth of tax returns.

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