Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Campaign finance transparency? Not on our watch, Republicans reiterate

Democratic senators speak on DISCLOSE Act during "Midnight vigil" Monday night. Yesterday, Senate Republicans did what they're best at and filibustered a bill that their corporate overlords oppose with a 51-44 vote (five senators didn't vote). They want to keep the massive, unlimited corporate campaign donations they're getting absolutely secret, as if we didn't already know who's bought them and their votes.

Nonetheless, a core of Democratic senators pulled an all-nighter, speaking to each other and to the CSPAN cameras about the corruption that Citizens United is allowing in our political system. They spoke to themselves and to the diehard CSPAN audience, without debate, because no Republicans were present to defend their undefendable position. Not that they care that they are appearing increasingly corrupt; they're getting their money. That's what matters.

The Democrats just forced another vote on cloture on whether or not to even move on to considering the DISCLOSE Act. And, once again, Republicans filibustered. Today's attempt failed, 53-45.

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