Thursday, July 12, 2012

Adventures in Romney spin

CNN reporter tweets this ...

CNN has obtained from a Democratic official a Bain Capital doc filed with Mass Sec of Commonwealth in 01 that shows Romney as pres.
' @jimacostacnn via web ... and one minute later says that Romneyland has responded with this:
The Romney campaign just told me the document is simply more confirmation his name was still attached to government ecords but nothing more.
' @jimacostacnn via web Yeah, it's nothing except confirmation that Mitt Romney was still the head of Bain Capital in 2001. Just like he was in 2002. And just like he was in 1999 and 2000.

Yes, Romney's primary focus was on the Olympics. But Bain was still his company. It was his name on the documents. And he was ultimately responsible for it because he owned it.

Unless, of course, Romneyland wants to argue that the buck doesn't stop with Mitt. Come to think of it, that's pretty much exactly what they are doing.

And while they are at it, could they please explain how Mitt Romney "earned" $20 million last year from Bain Capital if he has nothing to do with it?

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