Saturday, June 2, 2012

'Pro-life' president of Personhood USA says Mitt Romney's fetus devotion in doubt

Poor Mitt Romney. Sure, he's finally managed to officially win the Republican nomination for president of the United States of America Amercia, but that doesn't mean he has the full support of the base of his party. After all that pandering, all that running to the right as severely as he can to keep up with the other lunatics in the race, Mitt still has the itty bitty problem of conservatives not believing he's, you know, one of them. Right Wing Watch reports that Keith Mason, president of Personhood USA (you know, those dimwits who think an egg equals a person), says Mitt just isn't "pro-life" enough:

At the end of the day, I don't believe he is pro-life. I guess I could be blunt; I could go through a list.
And then, of course, he does go through a list. And it's a looooooooooong list. Which is so unfair to poor Mitt Romney. After everything he's done in this presidential election to prove his fetus-loving bona fides'kissing Mike Huckabee's ass on TV and insisting he "absolutely" would support a constitutional amendment proclaiming that every sperm is sacred; supporting the Personhood Amendment in Mississippi (even though his campaign claimed, after the amendment failed, that he didn't really support it); promising to "get rid of" Planned Parenthood; and even supporting (after not supporting because he was "confused" about the yes-or-no question) the Blunt Amendment to allow employers to deny basic health care to employees'and it's still not enough for the true believers? Talk about a tough audience.

But can you really blame the fetus worshippers for doubting Mitt's commitment to eliminating women's reproductive rights? After all:

chart comparing benefits of Obamacare to Romneycare Table: Think Progress

And then, of course, there's this moment from waaaaaay back in 1994, before Mitt decided that he'd always been severely opposed to women's reproductive rights:

"I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country. [...] I believe that since Roe v. Wade has been the law for 20 years, that we should sustain and support it and I sustain and support that law and the right of the woman to make that choice. [...] And you will not see me wavering on that."
Gosh, no wonder the "pro-lifers" don't think Mitt's really one of them. He isn't. He's just a guy who will say and do anything to get elected. Support Roe v. Wade, threaten Planned Parenthood's very existence'it's all the same to Mitt. He's not pro-life or pro-choice: He's just pro-getting elected.

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