Saturday, June 2, 2012

Journalmalism: Politico's malpractice in covering Congressional gridlock

Dunce cap on stool in corner of schoolroom, with American flag How about a little game of "What's wrong with this Politico headline?": Congress flummoxed by can't-miss bills.

The lede, and indeed the whole story, doesn't get any better.

The wish list seemed too simple to screw up.

President Barack Obama asked Congress to pass bills to keep student loan interest rates from doubling, prevent domestic abuse and fund the nation's highway system.

But never underestimate Congress's ability to fumble a can't-miss play.

In 2,016 words, the terms "obstruction," "tea party," "filibuster" or "batshit insane nihilistic Republicans" never come up. Okay, so those actual words were never going to be included anyway, but the entire idea that this Republican Party has declared war on sane governance is never even hinted at.

Also missing are the gazillion anti-abortion bills, the incessant Obamacare repeal bills, or the never-ending tax cuts for rich people bills that the House has been loading up its schedule with every week. Or, anyway, those handful of weeks when they're actually at work. The amount of time Congress spends not actually being Congress isn't in the article, either.

What's wrong with our politics is hugely attributable to what's wrong in our national media. As usual.

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