Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mitt Romneybot: I'm 'in touch'

Mitt Romney as a Cranbrook High School student You don't want Mitt Romney
'in touch' with your hair. Mitt Romneybot tries on a new message:
People across America are having a hard time. The president doesn't understand how his policies have made things so hard for the American people. It's finally time to have a president who's in touch with what's happening in America, and I am.
Sure Mitt Romney is in touch, except for the part about how he opposes President Obama's plan to help prevent more layoffs of state and local government workers like firefighters, teachers and cops. And except for not recognizing that the reason we need Congress to pass that plan is that even though we've created 4.3 million private sector jobs in the last 27 months, more than 500,000 public sector workers have lost their jobs, hurting the economy as a whole.

And sure Mitt Romney is in touch, except for the part about opposing President Obama's plan to put construction workers back to work by accelerating spending on bridges, roads and airports.

Yes, this is the same Mitt Romney who jokes about being unemployed. He's really in touch, isn't he? The guy who thinks it's funny to talk about firing people. The guy who says corporations are people, my friend. And let us not forget making fun of people who wear ponchos'which, according to Mitt, are really garbage bags.

Mitt Romney is so out of touch he thinks the fact that he was CEO of Bain Capital qualifies him for the presidency, even though it seems the biggest lesson he learned at Bain Capital is that instead of rescuing the auto industry, we should have let it go bankrupt. Or that the best way to deal with the foreclosure mess is to "let it hit bottom" so that rich people can buy up foreclosed homes and rent them back to the previous homeowner.

Look, there's no question that Mitt Romney was a phenomenal moneymaker at Bain. But he's not in touch with regular Americans. And if he were in touch, if he really had a clue about what America needs, he wouldn't be doubling down on the miserable failure of the Bush years.

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