Thursday, June 14, 2012

Lady anchor from 'Fox & Friends' turns into hysterical radical feminist for almost a full minute

Awwwwwwwww. Isn't it so super cute when lady conservatives get all feministy? Sure, most of the time they agree with the conservative menfolk that if a woman cares about health care, she's a slut; that it's hahahahahaha hilarious to call Democratic women ugly; that equal pay for equal work is really unfair to employers who enjoy the 23 percent lady employee discount when signing paychecks; and that it's a damn shame we even let women vote.

But every now and then, they embrace their inner man-hatin' bra burner and get all women's liberation with their bad selves'sometimes for as long as 60 seconds!'before they remember their true place.

Today's example of radical conservative feminism comes to us from Gretchen Carlson, lady co-host of the Fox "News" show Fox & Friends, who stormed (and by stormed, I mean strolled while laughing) off the set of her own show:

KILMEADE: Women are everywhere. We're letting them play golf and tennis now. It's out of control.

CARLSON: You know what? [laughter] You know what.

KILMEADE: She's out.

CARLSON: You read the headlines. Since men are so great. Go ahead. Take them away.

Oh, she sure showed them, didn't she? She showed them so completely that ... she was back on set one minute later making "chick" jokes. Well, almost one minute later:

CARLSON: So now this story's definitely a chick story? Which is why I'm going to read it?

KILMEADE: This is total woman.

CARLSON: Oh, okay.

Take that, men! I am lady co-host, hear me roar! Or at least giggle.

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