Sunday, November 18, 2012

Rep. Joe Walsh threatens to run for office again

Joe Walsh speaking on YouTube Please go, Joe. When last we checked in with human failure Joe Walsh (R-NoLongerADeadbeatDad) he had just lost his reelection bid to Tammy Duckworth, thus significantly reducing the odds that any of us would ever have to think about him again. Alas, that thought does not sit well with him, and so he is now threatening to run for something else, something like, oh, what the hell, a governorship:
"You know that I believe fervently in that vision. I don't know of many other candidates who articulate that vision. Am I going to do something? Oh gosh, I don't know. People approach me every day and ask, 'Walsh, are you going to run for the governor? Are you going to run for Senate?' I want to do my part to lead a movement to present a vision to this. I'd rather go down fighting. Democrats have ruined this state but they've been able to do it because the Republicans have allowed them to."
I'm not sure what vision Walsh is talking about here; his reelection bid seemed to be based mostly around the "vision" that his opponent was mean to him because she existed, and talked about her service too much, etc., etc.

Sorry, Illinois, Joe Walsh says he wants to govern you. If it's any consolation, I don't actually think he'll follow through with it. He's just pouting.

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