Saturday, October 27, 2012

Swift Boat scum contribute millions for Karl Rove's final Super PAC push against Obama

Former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove is seen at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida August 27, 2012. If only billionaire donors didn't have to pay so much in taxes, they could give this man
more money to elect candidates who will ensure they will pay still less in taxes. Donors to Swift Boat Veterans for Truth that smeared Democrat John Kerry in the 2004 presidential contest are now among the biggest contributors to the final push by the right-wing Super PAC, American Crossroads, co-founded by long-time Republican operative Karl Rove and former Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie.

Paul Blumenthal writes:

The last of the top three donors from the Swift Boat group to give to American Crossroads, T. Boone Pickens, gave $1 million in the first few weeks of October. He was joined by Bob Perry, the largest donor to the Swift Boat efforts, who gave $1 million in October, bringing his total giving to American Crossroads to $7.5 million. Harold Simmons, the second-largest Swift Boat donor and the second largest super PAC donor in 2012, gave $4 million to American Crossroads this month, bringing his total giving to the group to $19.5 million.

These three former Swift Boat donors accounted for more than half of American Crossroads' $11.6 million raised in the first 17 days of October.

Questions were raised about the Swift Boat campaign's connections to the George W. Bush campaign in 2004. But nothing ever came of it. And now, even though Super PAC operations are not supposed to be coordinated in any way with candidates' campaigns, it's a laughable separation that everyone knows is bogus. At the latest filing with the Federal Election Commission, American Crossroads had raised $99 million to defeat Democrats in the 2012 election. It still had $31 million to spend. A good portion of that money is going for selected contests at the congressional level.

As a consequence of the U.S. Supreme Court's 2010 ruling in Citizens United, Super PACs can advocate for or against candidates without any limitations on how much money they raise from individuals or corporations. American Crossroads and a small network of other GOP-oriented Super PACs have been called the "shadow RNC."

These loathsome string-pullers are doing all they can to turn one-person, one-vote into a bitter joke.


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