Friday, October 26, 2012

Obama endorses state marriage equality initiatives

U.S. President Barack Obama speaks during a campaign rally at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, October 17, 2012. Obama is campaigning in Iowa and Ohio on Wednesday following the second presidential debate against Mitt Romney on October 16.  REUTERS/Jason President Obama, using the bully pulpit.
Fight for Marriage bug On Thursday, President Barack Obama endorsed marriage equality in the three states where it's on the ballot: Maine, Maryland and Washington.
"While the president does not weigh in on every single ballot measure in every state, the president believes in treating everyone fairly and equally, with dignity and respect," according to a statement in Seattle by Paul Bell, press secretary for Obama's campaign in Washington and Oregon.

The state goes on to explicitly urge a yes vote for Washington state Referendum 74, which would allow same-sex couples to marry.

Nearly identical endorsement statements were issued in support of similar initiatives on the Nov. 6 ballot in Maine and Maryland.

Goal Thermometer
President Obama has already officially opposed the gay marriage ban on Minnesota's ballot. His endorsement of marriage equality back in May has been attributed by one pollster, PPP, for the increase of support for the Maryland measure among African American voters. This explicit endorsement now of state initiatives might help bolster them at the ballot box with all Obama voters.

You can help, too, by contributing $3 to the coalitions fighting for marriage equality.

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