Friday, October 26, 2012

Evidence surfaces suggesting Iranian missile Photoshoppers could be on Romney campaign payroll

Well this is hilarious: BuzzFeed just caught the Romney campaign exaggerating the size of one its campaign rallies with an altered image. You can view BuzzFeed's full analysis of the image here, but in short the Romney campaign simply duplicated several sections of the crowd, making the audience seem much bigger than it was. And they did a terrible job of it.

For example, take a look at Romney banner hanging in the rafters'if you flip it around, you'll see several letters are duplicated:

After flipping the letters in the Romney banner hanging from the rafters, the altered image because obvious to the naked eye. Zooming in on and flipping the Romney banner illustrates one of the several alterations to the image. In this case, the letters M and N are repeated, so the banner reads "ROMNMNEY" It's such a bad photoshop that it kind of reminds you of this spoof of the Iran missile Photoshop, doesn't it?
Iran missile photoshop spoof What a perfect metaphor for the Romney campaign. Sorry, Romnmney campaign.


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