Saturday, October 27, 2012

National Right to Life: 'Vote like life depends on it' for Scott Brown

On Thursday, Massachusetts media were reporting the $45,000 the National Right to Life Committee was spending on mailers in support of Sen. Scott Brown, who calls himself pro-choice. Huffington Post has obtained a copy of the mailer.

Image of National Right to Life Committee mailer for Scott Brown

NRLC bills itself as "the nation's oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization." It is spending $45,000 to send out a Massachusetts mailer that reads, "Vote like life depends on it...because it does. Scott Brown for U.S. Senate." It compares the positions of Brown and his Democratic opponent, Elizabeth Warren, on health care, abortion and "religious freedom." [...]
Why are they spending on a candidate who calls himself pro-choice when there are so many other candidates they could focus on?
"We consider him a senator who votes pro-life," Anne Fox, president of the Massachusetts Citizens for Life, said in August. "We have to take his word for it when he says he is pro-choice. But what we're looking for is someone who votes pro-life, and he does."

As The Boston Globe noted, Brown has an 80 percent approval rating from NRLC, siding with the group on four of its five key votes since being elected.

Goal Thermometer

When it comes down to it, they can count on Brown's vote, something the women of Massachusetts can't be so sure of.

What's unclear right now is whether and how much this is going to hurt Brown in blue Massachusetts. There are a lot of Catholics in the state, but are they staunch enough to be swayed by this, and in numbers that will overcome the inevitable backlash?

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