Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Chronicles of Mitt: Oct 26, 2012

pen on paper: 'Dear diary'   Hello, human diary. It is I again, Mitt Romney, your better.

Today I gave a speech in Iowa outlining my vision for the economy. I said I thought the economy should be good. I was also asked by my staff whether or not I wanted that fellow with the rather colorful opinions on rape to stop mentioning that I had endorsed him. I told them that I did not think our campaign should take a position on that.

In more satisfying news, I have informed the staff that since there is so little time left until the election, the press units are now unnecessary. They can continue to follow me if they like, but there is no more need for me to grant interviews or answer their questions. (I did not answer many of their questions before, Mr. Diary, but I believe we are safely to the point where there is no point in me listening to them ask those questions, either).

Their questions have always been irritating. Whether I become president of this nation or not, I am glad that I will never again have to answer any of them.

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