Monday, August 27, 2012

Aaaaaaand now Mitt Romney likes birth control and abortion again

Wow. Just ... wow.

WALLACE: In the wake of Congressman Todd Akin's comments last Sunday, the Obama campaign is once again attacking Republicans for what they call the so-called war on women. Now, I know that you have an economic argument about jobs and opportunity, but I'd like you to deal with the social issues aspect of this specifically. How do you answer the Obama charge that they offer more support, more choice to women when it comes to abortion or rape or birth control or women's health care?

ROMNEY: Well, first of all, with regards to women's health care, look, I'm the guy that was able to get health care for all of the women and men in my state. They're just talking about it at the federal level.

So Mitt Romney is back to boasting about Romneycare, which is Obamacare, except that Romneycare covers abortion? The very same Obamacare, which is Romneycare for the country, that Romney has promised to repeal if (hahahaha) elected? Romney's awful proud of the health care he provided to women in his state but doesn't want women in the rest of the country to have it?

And this is his proof that he's the one who cares more about women? Uh, yeah. Okay. But that's nothing compared with this whopper:

ROMNEY: And then with regards to contraceptives, of course, Republicans, and myself in particular, recognize that people should have a right to use contraceptives. There's absolutely no validity whatsoever to the Obama effort to try and bring that up.
Really? Republicans, including Mitt, recognize the right to use contraceptives? Is that why the party had a complete and total meltdown trying to block coverage for contraception earlier this year? Is that why Mitt supported after not supporting because he didn't understand a simple yes-or-no question the failed Blunt Amendment to allow employers to deny health care to employees if they think said health care is icky or wrong or makes Jesus cry?

Is that why Mitt promised he'll get rid of Planned Parenthood? Because he's so supportive of the right to use contraception?

Yeah, no idea why the president'as well as the rest of the country'would think you and your fellow Republicans don't recognize the right to use contraceptives. No idea at all. But don't stop now:

And with regards to the issue of abortion, that is something where men and women have alternative views on that or different views. We look at an issue like that with great seriousness and sobriety and recognize that different people have reached different conclusions. But it's not just men who think one way. Women also, in many cases, are pro-life. There are two lives at stake, the child, the unborn child, and the mom. And I care for both of them.
Guess what, Mitt. If you want to take away women's rights and give them to fetuses, that doesn't demonstrate that you care for both. And with Paul "I think Jesus wants me to make the poor fend for themselves" Ryan on your ticket, you're not exactly demonstrating just how much you want to care for those fetuses once they're born. It just shows, once again, that there's nothing "pro-life" about you or your party.

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