Saturday, July 7, 2012

Obamacare is an effective middle-class tax cut; GOP repeal would be an effective tax increase

As usual, serving their corporate owners, Republicans are trying to undermine President Obama's Affordable Care Act, now casting it as a tax increase, with Mitt Romney as usual sometimes sort of agreeing, except when he doesn't. Also as usual, the Republicans and Romney are factually wrong:

But instead of being a tax increase, Obamacare will provide millions of families with large tax credits to make health care more affordable. Only about 1 percent of Americans who could afford health care but don't buy coverage would have to pay the tax, and the penalty would only be an average of $600.
The Center for American Progress offers this graphic (full version here):
CAP- Obamacare as tax cut CAP- Obamacare as tax cut

While continuing to do absolutely nothing about the economy, Congressional Republicans once again will go through the motions of trying to repeal the ACA, knowing they won't succeed, and not caring that if they did succeed they would be taking health care away from millions of people who otherwise couldn't afford it or obtain it. But to make this so simple that even most Republicans can understand it, if the Republicans did succeed in repealing the ACA, they also would be effectively imposing a tax increase on millions of American families. It's the Republican way: take a vital social good away from people, while undermining their personal financial stability.

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