Saturday, July 7, 2012

President Obama on reclaiming economic security

President Obama uses this weeks address to again call on Congress to do their jobs:

Our mission isn't just to put people back to work ' it's to rebuild an economy where that work pays; an economy in which everyone who works hard has the chance to get ahead.

For months, I've been pushing Congress to pass several common-sense ideas that will help us do that. And on Friday, I signed into law a bill that will do two things for the American people.

... and thanks all Americans who have called on their representatives to get busy:

Finally, I want to thank every American who took the time to sit down and write a letter, type out an e-mail, make a phone call or send a tweet hoping your voice would make a difference. I promise you ' your voice made all the difference. And as long as I have the privilege of being your President, your voice will be heard in the White House.

Complete transcript below the fold.

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