Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Mitt to NAACP: If you understood me, you'd support me

I believe that if you understood who I truly am in my heart, and if it were possible to fully communicate what I believe is in the real, enduring best interest of African American families, you would vote for me for president.
Can you imagine a more condescending and arrogant approach than telling people that they reason they don't support you is that they don't understand you?

8:01 AM PT: Romney is still speaking'and he managed to elicit boos from the crowd, which had been quite polite, when he used "Obamacare" as a term of derision.

8:04 AM PT: Mitt Romney trolls NAACP
— @pareene via web 8:05 AM PT: Shorter Romney: I'll be the third black president
— @joshtpm via web

8:13 AM PT: Here's video of the boos after Romney promised to repeal "Obamacare." In the context of his speech, that really wasn't the best way for him to make the case for himself. If he feels he's being misunderstood, he need only look in a mirror.

8:14 AM PT: THAT WAS IT?!?! #mittNAACP
— @elonjames via TweetDeck

8:18 AM PT: I just checked and the speech clocked in at about 25 minutes, which isn't that far off from Romney's normal speeches these days'a few minutes longer, perhaps, but as is typical with him, there was no serious effort to say anything tremendously meaningful.

8:18 AM PT: Rep. Cleaver (D-MO) of CBC gives #Romney an A for coming to #NAACP a C for his positions and a F for the politics of the speech on @msnbctv
— @LukeRussert via web

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