Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mitt Romney to give speech on foreign policy without talking about his views on foreign policy

Mitt Romney superimposed on pile of cash, image of yacht This picture captures the sum total of Romney's foreign policy experience. On the eve of his one week overseas trip, Mitt Romney is turning his big foreign policy speech at the Veterans of Foreign Wars National Convention into a small-time attack on how the Obama administration handles leak investigations:
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, looking to bolster his the national security credentials, plans to put the blame for leaks of classified information at the feet of President Barack Obama.

In a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention on Tuesday, Romney was to call out Obama's White House for leaks to the media and assure veterans that a Romney administration would keep a tight lid on secret information.

Hmmm. So Romney is going to turn a speech about foreign policy into a speech about how he can keep secrets better than President Obama. Well, given how secretive he's been about his tax returns, maybe Romney will be able to sell his argument. But given that he's spending the next week trying to prove his foreign policy chops ... shouldn't he talk a little bit about his actual views? Nonetheless, he's not planning to:
Romney's speech excerpts made no mention of major foreign policy issues like the conflict in Syria or U.S. relations with Russia and China.
And not only will we get a truckload of feigned outrage about leaks from the same guy who was talking about pardoning Scooter Libby even before Bush commuted his sentence, he will also rail against the defense spending cuts that Republicans forced into law during the debt ceiling crisis. You know, the one that John Boehner said gave him 98 percent of what Republicans were demanding.

So we'll get plenty of hollow attacks from Romney on President Obama. But the one thing we won't get: what Mitt Romney actually believes about the key foreign policy issues of the day.

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