Friday, July 6, 2012

Mitt Romney goes from 'Day One' to '8 to 10 years' in just five weeks

Five short weeks ago, Mitt Romney's campaign released a campaign ad boasting that day one of his (imaginary) presidency he would "announce deficit reductions, ending the Obama era of big government."

Today, he clarified his position in response to a question from a reporter. Unlike the claim in his ad, Romney said his plan wasn't to balance the budget right away. Instead, he said his plan called for saving "more and more money over time, so we're able to get America to a balanced budget in eight to ten years'not in the first year."

Thanks for clearing that up, I guess, though to be fair it's really not that big a change. The only difference between one day and eight to ten years is ... about three or four thousand days. And the only question now is which Mitt Romney to expect five weeks from today.

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