Monday, July 2, 2012

Mitch McConnell proclaims that coverage for uninsured Americans is 'not the issue'

In a rare moment of journalism, Chris Wallace gets Sen. Mitch McConnell to finally admit the fact that Republicans don't give a shit that tens of millions of Americans are uninsured.

Asked a third time how Republicans would insure those 30 million people, McConnell said: 'That is not the issue. The question is how you can go step by step to improve the American health care system.'
Then Wallace presses him:
WALLACE: You don't think the 30 million people who are uninsured is an issue?

MCCONNELL: Let me tell you what we're not going to do. We're not going to turn the American health care system into a western European system.

That's a pretty clear answer: No, 30 million uninsured Americans isn't an issue. It's never been the issue. You've heard the refrain from Republicans again and again for years: "They can just go to the emergency room. What's the problem?" It's willful and deliberate ignorance about what's driving the spiraling costs of health care in the United States. But it's ideologically consistent. No "undeserving" person should get anything because that means something is being taken away from me.

Shorter Mitch McConnell (and Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan): "Let 'em die."

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