Wednesday, July 11, 2012

House votes on repealing Obamacare

As the House votes for the 33rd time to repeal the Affordable Care Act, here's a reminder of what they are not voting on, and have not voted on, for 18 months:

Chart showing 32 votes in House to repeal ACA and no votes on jobs
Republicans sent Obama's jobs proposals to 11 different committees but never bothered to vote on it. The bill's history on the Library of Congress website reads like a sad series of hand-me-downs.
Don't forget, one House Republican leader says repealing the Affordable Care Act is "the seminal issue of our time." In the worst economic environment since the Great Depression, defeating President Obama and flouting the Supreme Court is the most important issue there is for Republicans. More important than the nation's economic health, not to mention the physical well-being of its people.

They're proving it again today, with this vote.

12:36 PM PT: At the moment, they're voting on the Democrats' motion to recommit.

RT @toddzwillich Dems motion to recommit requires any lawmaker voting for repeal to give up all federally-subsidized health care, other bens

' @brianbeutler via Janetter for Mac Final vote up in a few minutes.

12:47 PM PT: Vote on final passage starting now.

12:56 PM PT: It passes, 284-185. Five Democrats Blue Dogs voted with the Republicans. The roll call isn't in yet, but Reps. Dan Boren (Okla.), Larry Kissell (N.C.), Mike McIntyre (N.C.) and Mike Ross (Ark.) all voted with Republicans on the rule, so we can be pretty sure they are four of the five.

1:47 PM PT: Here's the roll call. Jim Matheson, Utah, was the 5th Blue Dog vote for it.

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