Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Harry Reid: The Senate will vote on Obama's tax cut plan

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) speaks during a joint news conference with Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY)(L) and Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) (R) on the Republican Filibuster of Reid's debt plan on Capitol Hill in Washington July 29, 2011 Sen. Harry Reid (Reuters) The headlines today from right-wing media are that Senate Democrats are opposed to President Obama's tax cut plan and are blocking a vote on it. That's a cute story they got courtesy of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's maneuvering, but it's all wrong. Greg Sargent got the scoop from Majority Leader Reid's office.
Here's what happened. Mitch McConnell asked for two votes, one on the GOP's plan to extend all the tax cuts, including for income over $250,000, and another on Obama's plan to extend the tax cuts on income just under $250,000. Reid objected. So what actually happened is that Reid didn't want to hold a vote on both the GOP plan and Obama's proposal.

There will, in fact, be a vote on Obama's plan, a Reid spokesman confirms.

'There will absolutely be a vote on President Obama's tax plan this work period,' Reid spokesman Adam Jentleson emails.

Nice try, McConnell. Granted, there are a few "queasy" Democrats Reid has to wrangle, giving McConnell and the right-wing media some fodder to work with. But the vote will happen.

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