Tuesday, July 3, 2012

For Romney, there is no life after Bain

In recent weeks, Mitt Romney's presidential campaign has tried to redefine the calendar by inserting the new milestone "AB"'or "After Bain"'into the timeline of human history. Defending its man from damaging reports that he profited when Bain Capital invested in companies that shipped jobs overseas, extracted massive dividends and fees from firms that later failed and even harvested cash from medical waste, the Romney camp routinely protested that most of these episodes occurred "after Mitt left Bain."

Unfortunately for the Republican, Americans are catching on to Mitt Romney's "after Bain" immaculate deception. A growing mountain of evidence suggests that Romney continued to play an active role at Bain even after his supposed February 1999 departure for the Salt Lake Olympics. And as the New York Times documented back in December, Romney's sweetheart deal with the Bain Capital private equity firm he founded ensures that Mitt continues to make millions every year from his old employer.

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