Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Cheers and Jeers: July 4, 1776


Happy Birthday 'Murica!

Lest we forget from whence we cometh'd, a history lesson ffrometh Michele Bachmann:

In 1775, Thomas Jefferson and John Quincy Adams set sail across the Delaware River to tell the King of England they had enough of his liberal agenda. King James called Napoleon and together they decided to kill America. They sent the Nina, the PiƱata and the Santa Maria to fight. But then, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln gathered an army to turn back the big government dictators. They told Paul Revere to ride his horse to Frodo to tell him to cast the ring of power into the fires of Mount Doom. But then, John Wilkes Booth showed up and killed Lincoln. But there was still hope, because Jesus appeared on the face of the Liberty Bell and he froze John Wilkes Booth in carbonite. And the liberal homosexuals sailed back to their gay countries, while Americans claimed their land and drank beer. And that's how freedom was born.

(Reputable source: Jimmy Kimmel)

Happy 236th Birthday, America. We The People are still kinda sweet on ya.

Our annual posting of the original Cheers and Jeers from July 4, 1776---discovered gathering dust and mold behind some rotten drywall at the farm of Phinneas Pawpatch on July 5, 1776---starts in the Commonwealth of Billeh Billeh Stan Stan... [Swoosh!!]  RIGHTNOW!  [Gong!!]

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