Thursday, June 14, 2012

President Obama outlines his economic vision and the 2012 choice

You can watch President Obama's speech from Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland, Ohio at

10:41 AM PT: Mitt Romney, whose "bracketing" strategy involved honking his bus near the Obama campaign site and scheduling a dueling speech in Cincinnati, decided to start his speech early'a few minutes before President Obama's scheduled start. Presumably Romney thinks it's the only way he won't be overshadowed.

10:42 AM PT: Mostly Romney is saying the economy is awful and it's entirely Barack Obama's fault. Nothing of real interest so far.

10:44 AM PT: President Obama isn't scheduled to start speaking for a couple more minutes (and I imagine he might be late), but here's a CSPAN livestream link if you don't want to have to login to the Obama campaign site linked above.

10:45 AM PT: Romney live here. I'll post an embededded livestream of Obama momentarily.

10:46 AM PT: This will be a live feed of the president's speech:

10:47 AM PT: Romney just falsely claimed President Obama hasn't negotiated any free trade agreements. That's a lie. Even congressional Republicans admit they passed trade agreements pushed for and signed into law by President Obaa.

10:49 AM PT: Romney says his goal is to make America attractive for "job creators." Waiting for him to talk about how he can get Eduardo Saverin to move back. Maybe a tax credit or two?

10:52 AM PT: Romney says the top three things on his agenda would be drilling for more oil, repealing Obamacare, and balancing the budget, and he'll start doing it all in his first day. "Those are three big ideas," he says.

10:52 AM PT: Hmm. Romney just said "it's coming back, folks." He was talking about America. A little off message, perhaps?

10:54 AM PT: The crowd at Obama's speech is chanting "four more years" but the stage is empty. If there's any overlap between the two speeches, there won't be much.

10:58 AM PT: I've heard Romney speak a number of times (all on video). I don't think he's said anything today that I haven't heard before. "I spent my life in private enterprise, 25 years," he says. "I want to use that experience to help America." And with that he leaves the stage'I don't think he mentioned being governor.

10:59 AM PT: Angela Shafer, a nurse who attended Cuyahoga Community College'and a married mother of two'is now introducing President Obama.

11:02 AM PT: Shafer's introduction is focused on how her support for President Obama comes from their shared belief in education and giving every American the opportunity to succeed. And with that, President Obama takes the stage to thunderous applause.

11:04 AM PT: New thread here.

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