Thursday, June 21, 2012

Oops! Richard Mourdock uploads videos for four outcomes of Supreme Court health ruling

Richard Mourdock Richard Mourdock chortles over a Supreme Court decision not yet made. Indiana treasurer and GOP Senate candidate Richard Mourdock apparently wanted to be ready. So he prepared a response in advance to the Supreme Court's decision regarding the Affordable Care Act.

Four responses, actually. Four alternative versions because, well, the Court has not ruled yet. But Mourdock just couldn't wait.

No doubt he's not the first politician to have a contingency plan for a public statement of an upcoming event. Just one glitch: He or one of his team uploaded all four versions onto his YouTube account where they could be seen for a brief time Thursday afternoon until Alexander Burns at Politico found them and posted about it. Oooooopsy. The videos have since been removed and a campaign spokesman said it was just a case of being prepared. The Huffington Post captured them before they were removed and has posted one here.

It takes no deep pondering to figure which video Mourdock hopes to repost when the Court finally does announce its ruling. He's giddy over the prospect that health care reform that is already making life easier for millions of Americans will be struck down in its entirety. Just like a lot of other Republicans who are eager to celebrate people losing their health coverage, seniors paying more for theirs, insurance companies denying care for pre-existing conditions, young adults booted off their parents' policies and everything put back the way it was before: bloody awful.

Not that he's all about glee. Here's Mourdock in that version:

Well, we've had our brief moment of celebration, because the Supreme Court ruled that Obamacare is, in fact, unconstitutional. It's what many of us argued all along. But don't sit back and think the fight is over because it isn't. Barack Obama and Congressman Joe Donnelly are already putting Obamacare 2.0 together and they're going to try and pass it once again. We cannot let that happen.

The answer to America's health care issues is not going to be big government to any reasonable solution. The answer is not going to come from having individuals lose their personal choice, lose their individual freedom. I'm Richard Mourdock and I'm running for the U.S. Senate to make sure that something like Obamacare does not happen again. If you'd like to help us wage that fight to make sure that Obamacare stays repealed, then please go to our website,, and contribute generously."

And then there's the opposite version, which tells us even more about what Mourdock is all about:
Well, the Supreme Court has done what none of us really thought could happen. They've ruled Obamacare constitutional. Now, the fight has moved from the courts to the United States Congress. You can be sure starting January of 2013, if Republicans control the House and the Senate, we will be voting to repeal Obamacare once and for all. Congressman Joe Donnelly voted for Obamacare because he thought big government was the right answer. I'm Richard Mourdock and I'm running for the United States Senate because I know that's the wrong answer and the wrong approach.
If you'd like to help us repeal Obamacare, please go to our website, and help us with a contribution. The fight is not over. It will continue, but we need your help to make the fight victorious on behalf of small government.
The other two videos split the difference.

What they all have in common is giving us the skinny on why we don't need any more men like Richard Mourdock sitting in the Senate.

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